ग्रन्थनाम [Book Name] - Essays On Vedanta
लेखकः [Author] - श्री सच्चिदानन्देन्द्रसरस्वतीस्वामिनः [Sri Satchidanandendra Saraswathi Swamiji]
प्रकाशकः [Publisher] - अध्यात्मप्रकाशकार्यालयः [Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya]
भाषा [Language] - आङ्ग्लभाषा [English]
विचारः [Topic] - वेदान्तः (उपनिषत्) [Vedanta (Upanishat)]
आकारः [Size] - Demi 1/8th पुटाः [Pages] - 190
ग्रन्थविवरणम् [Description] - In the introduction to this book Swamiji writes “..... While I have referred to the Traditional Method of Vedanta in several works before, this one has been written with the sole purpose of offering an Introduction to the central doctrine of Upanishads and to the one Method of approach uniformly employed in all of them in leading the enquirer to the intuition of Absolute Reality which is his very Self. It is hoped that the beginner will find here ample material to enable him to discern how this method works in the other sub-varieties of approach not noticed here......” It is most necessary to discover the cardinal doctrine and the distinctive technique or the method which governs all the modes of approach to Reality in the Upanishads.
Swamiji with his deep insight into the Vedantic lore suggests that the students of Vedanta should carefully note the distinction between the empirical or the Vyavaharic view and the Shaastric or the Paramartha view of the Vedanta.
Swamiji writes in the concluding chapter that the language and the style specially devised for suggesting the nature of Brahman, which is unobjectifiable by word or thought, and the negation method called the Adhyaropapavada Nyaya must be thoroughly understood, if the study of Upanishads is to yield any tangible or beneficial result.