संस्कृतचित्रकोशः (DVD) (10 वर्षपूर्व बालानां कृते) [Samskrita Chitrakosha (DVD) (for kids below 10 yrs of Age]

-17% संस्कृतचित्रकोशः (DVD) (10 वर्षपूर्व बालानां कृते) [Samskrita Chitrakosha (DVD) (for kids below 10 yrs of Age]
  • Rs. 120.00
  • Rs. 100.00
  • Ex Tax: Rs. 100.00

ग्रन्थनाम [Book Name]               - संस्कृतचित्रकोशः (DVD) (10 वर्षपूर्व बालानां कृते) [Samskrita Chitrakosha (DVD) (for kids below 10 yrs of Age]
                                                      [Images of 250+ real life objects with names in Samskrit, English]

लेखकः [Author]                         - दिलीप् बेळ्ळावे [Dileep Bellave]

प्रकाशकः [Publisher]                 - संस्कृतपरिषत् [Samskrita Parishat]

भाषा [Language]                       - संस्कृतम् [Samskritam]

विचारः [Topic]                           - बालानां संस्कृताभ्यासः [Samskrit Learning for Children]

ग्रन्थविवरणम् [Description]          - This DVD (TV Compatible) has pictures of 250+ real life objects such as Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Birds, Domestic, Wild Animals, Colours, Shapes, Action Words, Samskrit Varnamala, Numbers etc. with their names in Samskrit, English. This is 40 minute DVD having High Resolution Pictures with good background music and a clear announcement of names of objects in a pleasant voice. Most suitable for kids between 2 to 10 years of Age.