ग्रन्थनाम [Book Name] - Avasthatraya or the Unique Method of Vedanta
लेखकः [Author] - श्री सच्चिदानन्देन्द्रसरस्वतीस्वामिनः [Sri Satchidanandendra Saraswathi Swamiji]
प्रकाशकः [Publisher] - अध्यात्मप्रकाशकार्यालयः [Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya]
भाषा [Language] - आङ्ग्लभाषा [English]
विचारः [Topic] - वेदान्तः (उपनिषत्) [Vedanta (Upanishat)]
आकारः [Size] - Demi 1/8th पुटाः [Pages] - 20
ग्रन्थविवरणम् [Description] - Method of Enquiry of the three states of consciousness called Waking, Dream and Dreamless Sleep. Swamiji in the beginning of this book has said “…..I propose to show in these pages what a veritable magician’s wand this method of enquiry has proved in the hands of that matchless thinker, Sri Shankaracharya; for where all the other commentators saw no more than a confirmation of man’s inherent weakness and helplessness as justifying his eternal dependence on Scripture-revealed God by whose grace alone he could hope to attain a Post-mortem salvation , this great apostle of Vedic Monism alone 81 82 visioned the most comprehensive method devisable to demonstrate scientifically the essential identity of human soul with Brahman or Absolute Existence, Consciousness and Bliss…..”A valuable introduction to the.....’’ study of ‘Vedanta or the Science of Reality’ book.