ग्रन्थनाम [Book Name] - Shankara Bhagavatpadda Vruttanta Saara Sarvasva [Life History of Sri Adi Shankaracharya]
लेखकः [Author] -
प्रकाशकः [Publisher] - अध्यात्मप्रकाशकार्यालयः [Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya]
भाषा [Language] - आङ्ग्लभाषा [English]
विचारः [Topic] - इतिहासः (जीवनचरित्रम्) [Life History (Biography)]
आकारः [Size] - Demi 1/8th पुटाः [Pages] - 611
ग्रन्थविवरणम् [Description] - Life of Shankaracharya in essence. A thorough and deep scholarly research work on the life and history of Shankarayacharya and an exhaustive information that sheds light on the Shankaracharya's life and history, shifting chaff from the real grain with an unbiased critical analysis of the facts and the fiction about him, originally written by Sri SriSatchidanandendraSaraswati Swamiji in Kannada language, translated into English by Dr. H. Ramachandra Swami and translation edited by Dr. K.S. Ramanatha Sharma.