ग्रन्थनाम [Book Name] - Shankara's Sutra Bhashya
लेखकः [Author] - श्री सच्चिदानन्देन्द्रसरस्वतीस्वामिनः [Sri Satchidanandendra Saraswathi Swamiji]
प्रकाशकः [Publisher] - अध्यात्मप्रकाशकार्यालयः [Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya]
भाषा [Language] - आङ्ग्लभाषा [English]
विचारः [Topic] - वेदान्तः (उपनिषत्) [Vedanta (Upanishat)]
आकारः [Size] - Demi 1/8th पुटाः [Pages] - 130
ग्रन्थविवरणम् [Description] - Swamiji in his prefatory remarks to this book writes “This booklet is intended for readers who have already gone through Shankara’s Sutra-Bhashya, either in original Sanskrit as taught by our Pandiths or with the help of some English translations under the guidance of some College Professor in one of our Universities.....” “...... The serious critic of Shankara’s tradition is advised to note the unique principles governing Shankara’s system which most of the misinterpretations have left unnoticed or have all together ignored in their zeal to usher in their own pet novel doctrines into the structure of the Advaita system.....” “.....The present work is expected to expound the inner working process of the method and to provide the key to unlock all such doors as have seemed to defy the enquirer’s entry into the inner chamber of Shankara’s system. Provided with the correct knowledge of the above mentioned method and principles of interpretation, the critical student of Shankara’s traditional Vedanta, will find no difficulty in shifting chaff from the real grain.....”